תמונת מופע: Nazi Collaborators and the Failure of Justice

Nazi Collaborators and the Failure of Justice

יום ראשון, 2 יוני 2024 בשעה 20:30
משך: שעה
ללא עלות

פרטי ההרצאה

Nazi Collaborators and the Failure of Justice

2 June at 8:30 PM Israel (1:30 PM EDT, 6:30 PM BST)

Join us for a Zoom webinar with Jon Silverman and renowned Nazi-hunter Dr. Efraim Zuroff, about the book that Silverman co-authored, Safe Haven: The United Kingdom's Investigations into Nazi Collaborators and the Failure of Justice.

Britain’s controversial 1991 War Crimes Act gave new powers to courts to try non-British citizens resident in the UK for war crimes committed during WWII. But despite the extensive investigative and legal work that followed, and the expense of some £11 million, it led to just one conviction.

Drawing on previously unavailable archival documents, “Safe Haven” considers for the first time why and how convictions failed to follow investigations, and so many Nazi collaborators escaped justice and never even appeared in a criminal court. “Safe Haven” provokes a timely reconsideration of the relationship between law, history, and truth.

This event will be a webinar, available on Zoom.


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